Have you considered starting a blog for your business but you’re not quite sure if it would be of benefit? You're aware that creating a regular blog will take up your precious time and you aren't sure if it is worth the effort? Well today, we’re hoping to dispel your worries and explain to you how a regular blog can help your business in a number of positive ways. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) According to Wikipedia, SEO is, ‘..is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic’. One of the ways that search engines review your website for improvements is the analysis of your content and within that the keywords you have used. Regularly blogging can help your SEO campaign because you are keeping your site current, active and engaging for visitors. Think about it. Have you come across a site that has posted no new activity in ages? It may be that this company is no longer in business and that the information on the site is no longer relevant. Search engines, like Bing and Google, downgrade sites with outdated information and blogging is a positive indicator for search engines to mark your website as active and relevant and therefore deserved of a better ranking. Blogging also gives you opportunities to create internal links. A significant part of SEO involves links, internal and external. The more you blog, the more you will create content for internal links, which can help towards keeping potential customers on your site for longer. Utilizing anchor text informs Google and Bing about the content you are linking to and can be employed to strengthen connections. HubSpot did a study showing that a site with a blog had 55% more visits than those that don't. It is important to note that search engines rank websites largely based on how many visits they have in a given time period. This rank is another way blogging can help your SEO. Blogging Can Make You an Authority on a Subject When you blog on a subject that is related to goods or services you provide, you establish yourself as an authority in the eyes of the public. They are more likely to use your company because they trust you. When Google or Bing evaluates a website's usefulness, they look at three things: Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness, also known as EAT. Blogging on relevant topics allows you the opportunity to show your knowledge on a given topic. This example is another way that blogging can help your SEO while increasing sales through brand trust. Blogging Improves Customer Experience One of the important reasons for blogging is to create a great customer experience. You can do this by frequently providing relevant, interesting and informative content. This experience will help keep you in front of your competitors who lack the same content. Blogs provide the opportunity for teaching and offering in-depth information about your goods and services. The information you provide should help your readers learn what resources and tools can solve their issues. It's quite beneficial to blog about specific benefits, customer case studies, or provide easy to understand content about technical items. Through blogging, you're presenting your visitors with something of value for free. In turn, free information could help them make a purchase from you. Post Your Blogs on Social Media If you find it difficult to decide what you should post on social media, never fear, your blog post will be sufficient to garner clicks. By posting your blog post on social media, not only are you giving your followers interesting content, you are creating backlinks to your website that will aid your SEO. In Conclusion If you want to see your SEO numbers improve while creating customer loyalty, there is no better way than including a blog on your website. Find out more about how our blogging service can help you with this journey.
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